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Physiotherapy in Milpitas and San Jose

Beyond Adjustments: Integrated Injury Recovery

While chiropractic adjustments provide a crucial foundation for restored function, the most effective treatment plans take an integrative, whole-body approach. At Milpitas Spine Center, our doctors leverage the power of advanced physiotherapy modalities to complement your chiropractic care from all angles.

Following your in-depth evaluation, your doctor will incorporate specialized therapies tailored to your unique needs. This potent combination amplifies healing, rebuilds strength, increases mobility, and paves the way for lasting rehabilitation.
knee therapy

Science-Backed Physiotherapy Techniques

Guided by clinical expertise and cutting-edge research, Milpitas Spine Center’s physiotherapy sessions draw upon an array of proven treatment methods, including:

  • Ultrasound Therapy
  • Myofascial Release
  • Customized Home Exercise Programs
  • Therapeutic Massage
  • Neuromuscular Re-Education
  • Electrical Muscle Stimulation
  • Cryotherapy and Thermotherapy
  • Injury-Specific Rehabilitation Protocols
  • Spinal Decompression
  • Balance and Coordination Training
  • State-of-the-Art ArthroStim Adjusting
Ultrasound on arm

Our modern techniques and modalities not only facilitate accelerated recovery but foster long-term resilience. From acute injuries to chronic conditions, your care team will progress your treatment intensity and duration at an ideal pace for superior, sustainable outcomes.

Helping You Reach Your Full Recovery Potential

What truly sets Milpitas Spine Center’s physiotherapy apart is our steadfast commitment to your long-term vitality, not just short-term relief. In addition to in-office sessions, your provider will guide you through therapeutic home exercise plans to build strength and solidify your results between visits.

This whole-body approach ensures your recovery extends far beyond our doors. With dedication and our doctors’ expertise, you’ll reclaim the freedom of comfortable movement and optimal physical potential.

Get Started Today

From weekend warriors to rehabilitation patients, everyone can benefit from physiotherapy’s integrated, multimodal methodology. If you’re serious about recovery and fortifying your foundation for lasting health, it’s time to experience the Milpitas Spine Center difference.

Contact our team today to learn how customized physiotherapy can amplify your healing journey!


Physiotherapy Milpitas, San Jose, Fremont CA | 408-942-1122